Mission Statement

The River City High School Athletic Booster Club's mission is to foster an environment ​that inspires student athletes, coaches, parents, and the community to collectively ​create a positive atmosphere for all our athletic programs. We are volunteers who ​wish to serve and lead by example. We strive to support athletic and academic ​excellence, create a winning school spirit, promote team unity, and maintain the ​history and tradition of excellence both on the field and in the classroom. We provide ​financial support through monies raised by our volunteers and memberships sold to ​make capital improvements beyond what the school athletic budgets provide.

Your student athlete will earn a scholarship if all requirements are met!

Your participation in the River City High Athletic Booster Club

helps support this mission!

Club Email:


2023 - 2024 Board Officers


Ray Castro



Tammie Mayberry


Vice President

Kathy Rivera


Volunteer Coordinator

Juanita Cano


Snack Bar (Indoor)

Jose Garcia

Snack Bar (Outdoor)

Alana Carter



Breanne Munar



Pam Amundsen



Rodney Benjamin| and Mort


ADN Coordinator

Lisa Bays


Snack Bar (Outdoor)

Holly Valline


Sergeant and Arms

Cindy and Rudy Martin

How to Join

A Primary Member is considered the "active/voting" member. ($10/annual membership fee required)

As a member, you agree to support the goals and mission of the RCHS Booster Club by volunteering ​at least 25 hours each school year for the families first participating athlete; if more than one athlete ​participating, an additional 10 hours for the second athlete enrolled is needed and and additional 5 ​hours if a third athlete is enrolled. In addition to hours, members must attend at least 7 monthly ​meetings. This level of membership is required for scholarship eligibility, discounted admission for ​home games, voting at club meetings and Board nominations.

Please complete the membership form at https://bit.ly/3tQXRPf.

Earning A Scholarship

For each full year your student is an athlete and you are a primary member in good standing, ​you earn a $425 scholarship that is paid out after graduation and must be claimed within 2 ​years of graduating by emailing the club treasurer at treasurer.rchsbooster@gmail.com.


The current bylaws can be found by visiting https://bit.ly/3HiImTl.

Hour and Meeting Requirements

Volunteers must work at least 25 hours each school year for the families first participating athlete; if ​more than one athlete participating, an additional 10 hours for the second athlete enrolled is needed ​and an additional 5 hours if a third athlete is enrolled.

In addition to hours, members must attend at least 7 monthly meetings. This level of membership is ​required for scholarship eligibility, discounted admission for home games, voting at club meetings ​and Board nominations.

The current bylaws can be found by visiting https://bit.ly/3HiImTl.